We have three concerts coming up over the next few months that may be of interest. Do join us if you can!
Thursday 16 November 7.00pm
Uckfield Music Club, Bridge Cottage, Uckfield, East Sussex
We will be examining Henry VIII as a musician and composer, discussing the musical education he received as demonstrated by the Henry VIII Book (Lbl. Add. MS 31.922), and his ability as a composer. The concert will feature works by Henry himself and other composers at his court. It will be preceded by a short AGM meeting of the Uckfield Music Club (non-members may enjoy refreshments during the meeting).
Thursday 21 December 1.10pm
St Matthew’s Church, Redhill, Surrey
A Christmas programme featuring medieval and renaissance carols from around Europe with instrumental accompaniment. From the sublime beauty of late medieval polyphony to the rumbustious yuletide carols of the fireside and tavern, the music reflects Christmas cheer from the four corners of the continent.
Sunday 3 March 2024, 3.00pm
We very much regret that we have had to cancel this concert due to illness. We offer our sincere apologies to Crowborough Arts.
Green Cottage, Crowborough, TN6 2DF
We are delighted to have been invited back to perform for Crowborough Arts. Their request was for a light, mainly secular programme featuring as many different instruments as possible: now there’s a challenge we couldn’t resist! The works will be drawn from across Europe, focussing particularly on music for dancing, feasting and entertaining.