Click on the audio tracks to hear some samples of our repertoire.
Douce Dame Jolie – Machaut. A well-known 14th century virelai by the greatest French composer of his generation, Guillaume de Machaut. We use the symphony, recorder, rebec and percussion.
King Harry Pavyn – Anon. This piece survives as a keyboard work in a manuscript associated with the Tudor court. It has, however, a rather un-keyboard-like texture that works much better for three seperate instruments. The range of each part is perfect for crumhorns – could this be how this piece was originally performed? See what you think!
Danse Real – Anon. A processional dance from the 13th century Chansonnier du Roi. We play it on two types of bagpipe with percussion, and sometimes use it to process in to the venue at the beginning of our concerts.
Beata progenies – Power. This beautiful antiphon by Leonel Power is a good example of the Contenance Anglais harmonic style that revolutionised the sound of European music in the early 1400s. We perform it with its associated psalm to a plainsong tone.
Green Groweth the Holly – Henry VIII. Unlike Greensleeves, this charming love song is genuinely the work of Henry VIII, probably written when he was in his teens under the tutelage of a music master. We perform it using recorders and lap harp.
Ricercar – Cavazzoni. We have several keyboard instruments for different roles. This is our box organ which is ideal for the later repertoire; we also have a 4ft positive organ for medieval music, an Italian harpsichord and a polygonal virginals.