

The CD Douce Dame Jolie features a selection of our repertoire covering some 600 years of music. It includes St Godric’s Hymn to St Nicholas (the oldest setting of an English text), medieval dances from the 13th century Manuscrit du Roi, works by Dufay and Machaut, and a selection of pilgrim songs and dances from the Llibre Vermell de Montserrat. Music from the court of Henry VIII includes pavans for crumhorn consort and two songs by Good King Hal himself. There are organ solos from the Mulliner Book and Cavazzoni’s Fundamentum Organisandi, Renaissance dances from collections published by Susato and Petrucci, and recorder consort music by Bevin and Gibbons.

Copies are available at our concerts or contact us if you would like one sent by post.